


空气中弥漫着爱! As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s fun to look back at memories of how we met our sweetheart. 新濠天地app的历史包含了很多这样的故事. Many of our alumni met 和 fell in love with their significant other on our campus, 包括这里的夫妇.



Drew 和 I got to know each other in journalism classes 和 across the table at editorial staff meetings of The Cabinet. He was a year ahead, quiet 和 smart, 和 we eventually became friends. I had no romantic interest 和 had no reason to think that he did either. We were both passionate about producing the newspaper each week 和 worked long after midnight with the rest of the staff to get The Cabinet to the Ellwood City Ledger by 7 a.m. 在他们的大型网络印刷机上印刷.

当他在大四被选为编辑时,我真的很生气. I imagined myself more qualified but had to be content with the assistant editor position at that time. 然而, 事实证明他很能干,很容易共事, 我越来越欣赏他的坚定和智慧. I found he took his Christian faith seriously 和 strove to love mercy 和 do justice in his journalism, something that was encouraged in us by our journalism professor 和 Cabinet advisor, 凯天.

1月, 几个月后他就要毕业了, a large group of us went out for food 和 fun 和 I ended up having a sweet dance with Drew. 它应该是一个愚蠢的, 快跳舞, but the music awkwardly changed to a slow song “Open Arms” by Journey. Flustered though I was, in those minutes, I recognized a change in my affections. 过了这么久,新濠天地app能不能超越朋友?

Weeks later, we were putting together the Valentine’s Day issue of The Cabinet. The newspaper made a bit of extra petty cash by selling Valentine’s classified ads. Working over the light tables to wax down the typeset columns onto boards, 我偷偷给德鲁留了条感谢信息. 我大胆地在信上签上了“我爱你”. 新濠天地app是足够好的朋友, 我认为, 他可以随心所欲地接受这份声明, 但我希望是一种浪漫的诠释.

新濠天地app在凌晨就完成了. All the boards were zipped into a portfolio for delivery to the printer, 然后新濠天地app走回宿舍. What I didn’t know is that Drew had spied my classified 和 had typeset a response. He pretended to go to Young Hall but then doubled back down to The Cabinet office. 就在新濠天地app都睡着的时候, he turned the light tables 和 hot waxer back on 和 adjusted the layout to fit in his reply.

在早晨, I grabbed a printed newspaper from Alex和er Hall as I boarded a bus at the Route 18 stop to head home for the weekend. 在公共汽车上,我看了看我的信息印出来是什么样子. 有点吓人. 我不知道我会不会毁了新濠天地app的友谊. 然后我看到了:德鲁的回答. 看到回信发表出来时的震惊被它的内容放大了. 他似乎在回应我的赞赏, 我简直不敢相信, 整个周末我都在想这件事. 那时候新濠天地app没有手机通话或发短信. 我迫不及待地想回到校园.

时间快进到2023年:到今年夏天,新濠天地app就结婚40周年了. 其中37年,新濠天地app在出版业并肩工作. Drew is still a good friend 和 the love of my life—still steadfast in the face of any adversity. 上帝给了新濠天地app孩子——一个是新濠天地app的校友。凯瑟琳·戈登·麦凯利 ’15)——孙子. We are grateful for His providential timing 和 place of the beginning of our story.

——lynne (Hutmire) Gordon, 1983年


约翰R. 小艾平格和桑德拉·艾平格

I have many good memories of Geneva, but one certainly has had a long-lasting result. I began my time there with courses that would enable me to go into engineering or chemistry. 但是第一年之后, 我决定这两个领域都不是我想去的地方, 所以在我大二的时候,我转到了会计专业. 我的室友 约翰·戴1968年 had also switched to accounting 和 we were in all the same accounting classes until we graduated.  

新濠天地app的第一位教练是Mrs. 莉莲·高尔特,我记得她是个很好的老师. 那是前电脑时代. All our work was done on columnar paper, 和 our work was generally done with a pen, not in pencil. But on one particular day in class, John Day 和 I must have begun our work in pencil 和 Mrs. 高尔特说可以这样完成作业.

The problem was that there were long-st和ing instructions for the student who graded papers for Mrs. 用铅笔完成的作业自动得D. When we received our assignments back the next class period, both papers were marked accordingly. 新濠天地app知道新濠天地app正确地完成了这项工作, 新濠天地app的论文也没有修改, 那D是怎么回事, 新濠天地app想知道?  问题是,新濠天地app不知道,夫人. Gault had forgotten to tell the student grading the papers to permit the use of pencil for that day. 但最后,D是板上钉钉的事. 新濠天地app很不开心, so a friend of ours asked if we would like to meet the grader who gave us this “unfair” grade. 当然,新濠天地app很乐意这样做.  

那个评分员是 S和ra Wehman, 1968年. 谈话以新濠天地app的一点抱怨开始, 特别是我的, but on learning that she was grading as she had been instructed to, 问题消失了. 好的结果是我喜欢这个评分员. Although S和ie 和 I were not in many accounting classes together since she was a year ahead of me in accounting, 在新濠天地app留在新濠天地app的最后几年里,新濠天地app的关系蓬勃发展, 导致新濠天地app在毕业四天后结婚. 剩下的,正如他们所说的,是历史——在54年后.

-约翰R. 小埃平. ‘68




Daniel 和 I met at dinner at Alex’s with some mutual friends early on during our freshman year. 新濠天地app最后都去了新濠天地app,医生说, “环顾四周, 你未来的配偶可能就在这个房间里!新濠天地app当时都笑了, but fast forward to senior year 和 we started dating 和 got married a year after graduation! Now we have been married for close to 4 years 和 have a wonderful son.

——megan (Siegle) Havrilla ' 18




Keul家族的爱情故事始于1953年. Albert Keul ' 56, a commuter from Ellwood City, PA studying Industrial Engineering, met 玛丽·安·汉密尔顿,1956年他来自宾夕法尼亚州埃奇伍德,学习基础教育. The story goes that Albert wanted to go to the Halloween social held in Johnston Gym to meet the freshmen girls. Little did he know, he would end up meeting the love of his life there. In December of 1955, Albert proposed to Ann in Old Main, near the clock on the first floor. 他们于1956年8月18日结婚. 在未来的岁月里, they settled in nearby Ellwood City 和 proceeded to have three children who each went to Geneva: 伊莱恩(Keul) Geisel 1982年, Stephen Keul, 84 89年库尔特·科尔89年.

史蒂夫沟通  工业管理专业 阿黛尔·格雷厄姆84年她来自宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿博罗,主修基础教育. 史蒂夫 met Adele when he went to relieve her of her shift at the desk in Skye Lounge. 他们于1985年7月20日结婚.

几年后, 库尔特他是工业工程专业的学生 蒂娜·迪默,89届她来自宾夕法尼亚州的Mechanicsburg,主修工商管理. 库尔特 和 Tina don’t recall when they actually met, but it was probably in a Mr. 约旦的课程. 1989年圣诞夜, 库尔特在老美因的台阶上求婚, 他们于9月22日结婚, 1990.

大约20年后,库尔特和蒂娜的女儿, 梅根·金18年 decided to attend 新濠天地app大学 to major in Elementary 和 Special Education. 值得注意的是, Megan is the only gr和child out of Albert 和 Ann’s seven gr和children who went to Geneva. 而梅根并没有在新濠天地app见到她的心上人, her high school sweetheart Jesse King decided to propose on the steps of Old Main on a foggy Friday night in February 2018. Jesse knew the family’s sweetheart history at Geneva 和 Megan’s close ties with her family 和 wanted to continue the legacy. 杰西和梅根于2019年6月1日结婚.

 So far, there are five great-gr和children of Albert 和 Ann… Who knows? Maybe in a few decades, there will be another love story to document.

——tina Keul, 1989年




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